Bib No: | 5119 | Official Placing |
Event: | 12k - Two Laps | 29th of 228 finishers |
Gender: | Female | 2nd of 79 finishers |
Division: | F 40-99 | 1st of 18 finishers |
Results calculated from historical data. Placings displayed are calculated on each individual's mat to mat times.
Point | Time | Split Rank | Distance | Pace |
6k (6 KM)
29:15.6 | 37 | 6 km | 4:53/K |
Finish (6 KM)
30:10.2 | 32 | 6 km | 5:02/K |
Faster | Slower | |
Overall Times: | 27th (Bib: 5256) 58:12.6 | 30th (Bib: 5257) 59:31.5 |
Female: | 1st (Bib: 5063) 57:06.0 | 3rd (Bib: 5210) 59:58.0 |
F 40-99: | 2nd (Bib: 5040) 1:02:35.0 |