Bib No: | 3741 | Official Placing |
Event: | 6k - One Lap | 4th of 1213 finishers |
Gender: | Male | 3rd of 484 finishers |
Division: | M 40-99 | 1st of 131 finishers |
Results calculated from historical data. Placings displayed are calculated on GUN time.
Faster | Slower | |
Overall Times: | 3rd (Bib: 3888) 34:31 | 5th (Bib: 3527) 34:35 |
Male: | 2nd (Bib: 4572) 32:03 | 4th (Bib: 3527) 34:35 |
M 40-99: | 2nd (Bib: 3527) 34:35 |