Relay for Life
Official Time
28 laps (11.48 km) in 7:34:44


Bib No: 53 Official Placing
Event: Relay for Life 58th of 58 finishers

Places are calculated by the maximum number of laps achieved within the defined time limit.

Faster Slower
Overall Times: 57th (Bib: 9) 30 laps in 2:11:31
Lap Statistics for Team Nanny
Lap No Lap Time Race Time Lap Pace Lap Rank
Lap 1 5:30.49 5:30.49 13:25/K
Lap 2 5:37.29 11:07.78 13:42/K
Lap 3 5:33.80 16:41.58 13:32/K
Lap 4 5:17.80 21:59.38 12:53/K
Lap 5 5:30.22 27:29.60 13:25/K
Lap 6 5:26.01 32:55.61 13:15/K
Lap 7 33:59.42 1:06:55.03 82:53/K
Lap 8 5:10.52 1:12:05.55 12:36/K
Lap 9 5:06.51 1:17:12.06 12:26/K
Lap 10 5:09.24 1:22:21.30 12:34/K
Lap 11 5:14.10 1:27:35.40 12:46/K
Lap 12 5:19.45 1:32:54.85 12:58/K
Lap 13 3:07:33.44 4:40:28.29
Lap 14 4:52.45 4:45:20.74 11:52/K
Lap 15 4:48.39 4:50:09.13 11:42/K
Lap 16 39:26.29 5:29:35.42 96:11/K
Lap 17 4:47.27 5:34:22.69 11:40/K
Lap 18 32:22.77 6:06:45.46 78:57/K
Lap 19 4:56.65 6:11:42.11 12:02/K
Lap 20 4:34.12 6:16:16.23 11:08/K
Lap 21 46:32.04 7:02:48.27
Lap 22 4:43.71 7:07:31.98 11:30/K
Lap 23 4:42.24 7:12:14.22 11:28/K
Lap 24 4:34.96 7:16:49.18 11:08/K
Lap 25 4:32.02 7:21:21.20 11:03/K
Lap 26 4:31.01 7:25:52.21 11:01/K
Lap 27 4:21.42 7:30:13.63 10:37/K
Lap 28 4:31.08 7:34:44.71 11:01/K