100k Flyer
Rotorua - Taupo

Relay Teams

Open Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Open Fastest Time: 2:45:22 | Median Time: 4:19:42 | Slowest Time: 5:46:08

Open Name Time Division Place Overall Place
61st Team MacVincent 4:08:36 61st 61st
62nd Team Keep Up 4:05:48 62nd 62nd
63rd Team Mad3 4:05:47 63rd 63rd
64th Team Its Terrys fault 4:11:51 64th 64th
65th Team Tequlia Flyiers 4:10:26 65th 65th
66th Team Oruanui Flyers 4:06:32 66th 66th
67th Team Clarke 4:05:00 67th 67th
68th Team Anderson-Nepe-Maher 4:10:21 68th 68th
69th Team Rubber Bullets 4:21:22 69th 69th
70th Team Armourguard 4:13:05 70th 70th
71st Team The A&E 4:13:48 71st 71st
72nd Team Young-Bond 4:16:10 72nd 72nd
73rd Team Lovebirds 4:25:09 73rd 73rd
74th Team Savignon & Shiraz 4:10:40 74th 74th
75th Team rockettes 4:16:38 75th 75th