Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

Half the Lake

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 2:16:34 | Median Time: 3:52:11 | Slowest Time: 7:06:51

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
181st Russell McCracken 2:56:08 56th 242nd
182nd Brian Donnelly 2:56:08 20th 243rd
183rd Unknown Partic. 9348 2:56:31 27th 247th
184th Phil Bond 2:56:39 26th 248th
185th Roger Paddy 2:57:21 21st 251st
186th Dennis Dickey 2:57:23 3rd 252nd
187th Terry Goodfellow 2:57:24 22nd 253rd
188th Barry Race 2:57:52 23rd 256th
189th Paul Sims 2:57:53 57th 257th
190th Paul Chadwick 2:58:01 58th 258th
191st Roman Plusa 2:58:09 24th 260th
192nd Lourens Duvenhage 2:58:27 59th 265th
193rd Richard Van Eck 2:58:37 60th 266th
194th Kevin Glover 2:58:45 25th 268th
195th Dieter Pretorius 2:58:50 61st 269th