Lake Taupo

Quarter Lake

Male 19 to 34 Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male 19 to 34 Fastest Time: | Median Time: :00 | Slowest Time:

Male 19 to 34 Name Time Gender Place Overall Place
1st Ben Richardson 1:17:31 3rd 3rd
2nd Ludwig Kiesslet 1:21:30 4th 4th
3rd Matt Whitaker 1:31:04 27th 32nd
4th Louis Davidson 1:33:34 41st 52nd
5th Kyle Davie 1:33:37 42nd 53rd
6th Charlie Lennon 1:33:38 44th 55th
7th Lawrie Scott 1:33:52 47th 58th
8th Mark Charleston 1:37:00 60th 82nd
9th Alan Bedwin 1:37:13 61st 83rd
10th Scott Bitchener 1:38:20 66th 94th
11th Shane McConigly 1:38:23 69th 99th
12th Harry Shepherd 1:39:27 73rd 112th
13th Corey Davis 1:42:26 85th 133rd
14th Nic Durkin 1:42:39 87th 136th
15th Nicholas De Villiers 1:44:06 91st 150th