Rotorua Race 1
Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:25.79 | Median Time: 1:12:11 | Slowest Time: 2:27:55.30

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
121st Brent Adler 54:07.48 77th 160th
122nd Saul Connor 54:18.18 78th 162nd
123rd Stephen Reeves 54:32.44 45th 164th
124th Heremaia Marks 54:41.47 79th 165th
125th Morgan Clearkin 54:41.58 80th 166th
126th Aaron Leabourn 54:49.50 46th 168th
127th Alan Creery 54:52.08 81st 169th
128th Leon Marks 54:52.85 47th 170th
129th Scott McLean 54:57.61 48th 171st
130th Ben Smallbone 54:59.76 82nd 173rd
131st Tim Urquhart 55:01.20 49th 174th
132nd Hori Ririnui 55:02.91 83rd 175th
133rd Callum Malcolm 55:08.03 84th 176th
134th Paul Griffiths 55:13.96 50th 177th
135th Michael Death 55:18.09 85th 178th