Orapiu Onetangi Kennedy Point

Run: Onetangi to Matiatia

F 20-29 Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

F 20-29 Fastest Time: 59:20 | Median Time: 1:20:02 | Slowest Time: 1:40:25

F 20-29 Name Time Gender Place Overall Place
1st Kimberly Falconer 59:20 4th 13th
2nd Robyn Wheldon 1:03:45 7th 27th
3rd Emma Stoneman 1:06:54 9th 38th
4th Kerryn Mills 1:11:47 14th 52nd
5th Vera Alves 1:16:52 19th 65th
6th Kim Sisson 1:21:22 23rd 74th
7th Joanne Sullivan 1:21:31 25th 77th
8th Stacey Riordan 1:24:56 26th 81st
9th Laura O'Shea 1:28:14 28th 83rd
10th Tessa Brown 1:30:30 33rd 88th
11th Hannah O\'Shea 1:34:48 35th 92nd
12th Stacey Mitchell 1:40:25 40th 98th