Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
136th Varun Nand 52:26 98th 177th
137th Stefan Faber 53:17 99th 183rd
138th Brendan Sanders 53:21 100th 185th
139th Brody Edge 53:27 101st 186th
140th Dylan Molony 53:29 102nd 187th
141st Tai Preece 53:29 103rd 188th
142nd Andrew Sara 53:38 39th 190th
143rd Tovia Fepuleai 53:41 104th 191st
144th Morne Du Plessis 53:41 40th 192nd
145th John Ofanoa 53:45 105th 195th
146th Kyle Morris 53:52 41st 196th
147th Charlotte Sadler 53:53 106th 197th
148th Luke Cove 54:05 107th 198th
149th Dan Spencer 54:07 42nd 199th
150th Aidan Keast 54:17 108th 202nd