Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
196th Logan Henderson 59:18 137th 295th
197th Yalcin Sevimay 59:47 60th 298th
198th Chris Perry 59:52 138th 299th
199th Laurence Lickfold 59:54 139th 300th
200th Sharik Burgess 59:54 140th 301st
201st Josh Glover 59:55 141st 302nd
202nd Tom Knight 59:56 142nd 304th
203rd Mark Schimanski 59:57 61st 306th
204th Pierre Van Staden 59:58 143rd 307th
205th Lance Kenyon 1:00:01 62nd 308th
206th Joshua Davies 1:00:38 144th 311th
207th Karl McIntyre 1:00:42 145th 313th
208th Gary Wotherspoon 1:00:43 63rd 314th
209th Braydon O'Neill 1:00:58 146th 318th
210th Andy Dick 1:01:01 64th 320th