Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
226th Paul Parker 1:03:50 69th 353rd
227th Terence McGruddy 1:03:59 158th 354th
228th Riley Powel 1:04:05 159th 356th
229th Cordell Deane 1:04:08 160th 357th
230th Zephaniah Moke 1:04:10 161st 358th
231st Billie Butcher 1:04:10 162nd 360th
232nd Reggie Burgess 1:04:15 163rd 363rd
233rd Logan Molony 1:04:21 164th 368th
234th Liam Bright 1:04:26 165th 371st
235th Darrian Scothern 1:04:40 166th 373rd
236th Alastair Molony 1:04:40 70th 374th
237th Diego Te Huna 1:04:50 167th 378th
238th Stuart Watt 1:04:57 71st 380th
239th Shane Perrett 1:05:01 168th 382nd
240th David Fleming 1:05:04 72nd 383rd