Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
346th Matt Deal 1:23:13 240th 632nd
347th Riley Milson 1:23:14 241st 635th
348th Dan Riddell 1:23:18 242nd 638th
349th Dave Twigg 1:23:19 243rd 639th
350th Vann Vercoe 1:23:56 244th 647th
351st Repeka Vui 1:24:20 245th 654th
352nd Junior Leiataua 1:24:22 107th 655th
353rd Rob Doake 1:24:54 108th 657th
354th Jeremy Gilbert 1:25:07 109th 663rd
355th Clinton Blagrove 1:25:48 110th 668th
356th Jordan Raroa 1:25:49 246th 671st
357th Jayesh Rathod 1:25:51 111th 672nd
358th Kartik Rathod 1:25:51 247th 673rd
359th Liam Moore 1:26:35 248th 678th
360th Terri Kamoto-Tupou 1:27:59 112th 684th