Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
376th Steve Ahotaha 1:30:27 263rd 718th
377th Alfred Petelo 1:30:27 114th 719th
378th Andrew Mitchell 1:31:01 264th 720th
379th Nikil Prasanna Kumaran 1:31:28 265th 724th
380th Joseph Paoo 1:31:28 115th 725th
381st Joe Brightwell 1:31:36 116th 729th
382nd Charlie Elliott 1:31:50 266th 734th
383rd Tommy Cox 1:31:50 267th 735th
384th Dwayne Day 1:31:52 117th 736th
385th Vikashni Narcyan 1:32:03 268th 739th
386th Chance Chapman 1:32:04 269th 740th
387th Yash Rajput 1:32:13 270th 741st
388th Doug Taylor 1:32:17 118th 743rd
389th Charlie Adams 1:32:37 271st 744th
390th Jesse Smith 1:32:59 272nd 746th