Lakes Ranch

6k (individual Mat to Mat times)

Male Race Rankings and Times for Finishers

Male Fastest Time: 30:45 | Median Time: 1:19:14 | Slowest Time: 2:40:44

Male Name Time Division Place Overall Place
391st Dave White 1:33:01 273rd 747th
392nd Hannes Van Wyk 1:33:02 274th 749th
393rd Marcus McAsey 1:33:09 119th 750th
394th Mehrdad Hojabri 1:33:10 275th 751st
395th Phillip Lole 1:33:33 276th 752nd
396th Ben Boynton 1:33:51 277th 753rd
397th Timatanga Smith 1:34:04 278th 756th
398th Stevie Brown 1:34:21 279th 759th
399th Aaron Jones 1:34:22 280th 761st
400th Zorama Matamaki 1:34:49 281st 768th
401st Justin Franklyn 1:36:01 120th 777th
402nd Kharnyae Von Hout Smith 1:36:06 282nd 779th
403rd Hunter Tatham 1:36:07 283rd 780th
404th Lake Tukaki-Kiwara 1:36:08 284th 781st
405th Phil MacGregor 1:37:18 121st 788th